What is my Root password?

Once the automatic installation of your server is finished, you will receive an email with your new servers IP address and randomly generated login credentials. As you might have noticed, the username is not root but alwyzon. As a security best practice, the root user is disabled by default when you get a preinstalled server from us. This, however, does not limit you in what you can do on your server. If you need to run a command as root while beeing logged in as the alwyzon user, just prefix the command with sudo.

For example, if you want to load and install all available updates on Debian or Ubuntu run the following line in your shell:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

The commands apt update and apt upgrade will require root permissions which the alwyzon doesnt have, but since you put sudo infront of the commands they will be executed as root instead. If you have never seen the usage of && yet, && between those two commands will just run the left-hand command first and once finished run the right-hand command.

If you are running on Fedora or CentOS, you can of course achieve the same effect using yum instead of apt:

sudo yum update

You can place sudo infront of any command and it will run this command as root.

For a more detailed write-up on user management and the sudo command, check out the related pages in the Ubuntu manual. If you still would prefer to use the root user directly instead of sudo, have a look at our "How to re-enable the root user?"-guide.

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